salut, betches

if you miss me, this should help soothe your craving

if you don't miss me, ...? why don't you miss me?

Monday, January 2, 2012

i have arrived

SO.......I literally remember about 20 minutes total of a 6.5 hour trip which I am NOT complaining about whatsoever. Thank you Xanax, you do me right every time. When I woke up I was so out of it that I didn't realize that I was the last person standing at the baggage thing and my two bags were the only ones on it going around and around and around and around and around. Finally I snapped out of it when I saw an adorable police dog (obvi) and went to meet my aunt, uncle, and cousin. They told me to put on my coat cause it was cold outside, so I did, but then we get outside and it's 50-fucking degrees outside and i'm in a shirt, sweater, and NorthFace -- are these people out of their minds? I was sweating.

Anyways, I stick out like a white person in the Carnegie Mellon sea of asians. Everyone can tell I'm foreign. I have zero chance of blending in, so I better own the American image. Where's the closest bar? mall? McDonalds?

So I got to my aunt's house around 10am and we had panettone for breakfast. It's actually Italian, but it's a traditional sweet bread that people eat for breakfast or snacks. Then I got on my computer hoping to talk to everyone back home but I guess people over there usually sleep at 5-6am? I guess I've forgotten this already? So I went to sleep, woke up, had lunch, went back to sleep. Typing this right now is making me feel way too Spanish for comfort. Almost embarrassing....almost. Then we went to the cell phone place to try to get mine set up but of course in Spain nothing is easy so we have to go back tomorrow. My cousin who is the self-proclaimed next Steve Jobs told me about an application called WhatsApp for bberry, iphone, and droid which is basically blackberry messenger for all of those so guess what betches I'm gonna talk to you anytime if you download it too. I haven't talked to anyone from home and it's making me a little uneasy even though I know there's a time difference and everything. It's just so weird...

So now it is almost 8:30pm and Spanish people usually just shoot the shit and do nothing til dinner time around 10-11pm, then shoot more shit until bedtime around 1 or 2. My guess is that I'll pass out before dinner. I'm already not a fan of la comida (food). Anyone want to take bets on how quickly I lose 10lbs because I'm not going to like the food? Betting starts at $5 and the winner gets to come here and make me [american-style] dinner. Don't miss out.

Tomorrow I guess I'll sleep in (all Spaniards do) which is familiar to me, then I'll go get my cell phone activated, and then I have to go downtown in Madrid to a hotel to meet my program for our orientation week. I'll update when my life gets more exciting cause right now it's just sleeping, eating, and waiting to talk to people from home which is nooooot fun.

k bye xoxox

Monday, December 5, 2011

all the best people are.

I'll tell you what,

I absolutely love my friends.

Obvious, right? Well, I just thought I'd throw it out there. Pitt friends and otherwise (eh hem, Jess - told you I'd throw you a shoutout). From matching jammies to candyland ferris wheels, you guys keep making me more and more skeptical about leaving next semester. Job well done, Kels. Can't wait to rendezvous with you in Europe in May, betch. Kiss Me I'm Irish.

Saturday night after work I brought some amazing queso to the suite to share. It ended up being less sharing and more like three elegant animals devouring prey...whoops. Then we engineered an amazing candy ferris wheel. I hope it functioned - I never followed up on that...well, did it? Funniest comment of the night, by far:

Leila: (something along the lines of) What if I had to compete in a bathing suit competition?
Kelsey: Oh my GOD...I don't even want to think about that.

She's soooooooo nice, isn't she!?

Nail polish poster is done, and looks bomb. I think it's the best one that will be there if I do say so myself. It's just PRETTY. So proud of it I gotta post it here cause I know you assholes will never show your face at a geek-picnic like a chemistry poster fair.

Suck on that beautiful nerdsicle. Woof.

I went a little pinterest-crazy last night. I went a little crazy with the DIY but I have some amazing Christmas prezzies to make. Anyone else want to skip finals and camp out at Michael's? I'll bring the tent. Kels, I know you're game. 

Going to Michael's now to get my craft-on. 

Quote of the day: 

"all the best people are"

Friday, December 2, 2011

drumroll please...

So this is my first time blogging so excuse me if I break any blog-etiquette or commit a blog faux-pas, although I don't think anybody who would (rather, should) be reading this would even know if I did.

I'm not sure if I like this or not. So far it's awkward. But I'm (a little) awkward, my friends are (more) awkward, my life is (for the most part) awkward, so the shoe fits. The word awkward itself makes me feel awkward - it's one of those words that gives you the feeling just from the way it sounds. I'm not sure if this is a stretch but I'd say its an onomatopoeia. I just realized that half of my friends reading this probably do not remember what onomatopoeia is, so here (this is the kids definition, appropriate for most of you):

Function: noun
1 : the naming of a thing or action by imitation of natural sounds (as "buzz" or "hiss")
2 : the use of words whose sound suggests the sense (as for poetic effect) 

I'll get my bitching out of the way now so the rest of the blog can be free of bitching - my tutoring appointment didn't show up which is why I have time to sit here and write this right now. It's like sure, no big deal, I'm not hungover, exhausted, and hungry so I don't mind sitting here doing nothing instead of anything else in this universe I could be doing (see "perpetual to-do list"). Why would I even consider working on any homework? It's a Friday afternoon (TGIF), (see my previously mentioned physical/mental condition), and I only have two weeks left before I can throw deuces on this semester and fly across the pond. More on that later.

Last night I was Kelsey's date for her sorority's last date party of the semester. Going into it we were both unsure about how the night was going to pan out, but after she assured me that there was no pressure and that if she made me feel uncomfortable to tell her, we were both more relaxed and started to pop the bottle(s). Bottles of nail polish, that is. Kelsey was excited to wear $25 nail polish and I don't blame her, it's gorgeous. I enjoy treating her to the finer things in life, courtesy of the chemistry department. To no surprise, we were the best looking couple there. If you don't believe me, check the pictures and see for yourself...probably the ones before she decided to become a ninja. Pre-game was enjoyable, and Kelsey somehow convinced me to drunk-text my dad saying I need to fly home for her 21st birthday....his response: "we'll talk." WHAT!? We got to the place: fake i.d. worked, got wristband, headed straight to the bar. Already successful in and of itself. I get to the bar and see Paula ripping tequila shots with football players - don't even pretend to be surprised. So of course, I decide it's a great idea to buy Kelsey and I shots of patron...WHAT!? Thereafter everyone just kept getting weirder in the best way possible (see pictures). Overall it was a successful event: drink was drunk, dances were danced, and memories made (eh, well...memories pre-patron shots). Kelsey, marry me?

I'm pooped. Last night did a number on my body - P.S. since when do I actually get hungover? What happened to freshman year when I could go out, drink obscene amounts of beverage and wake up the next day feeling like a champ? Did I pass my prime!? Whoa, minor anxiety attack. Better quit thinking for the night.

you know you love me, xoxo

P.S.S. Is anyone else as obsessed with Chelsea Handler as I am? The fact that she has a book titled "My Horizontal Life" immediately makes me think she would be an amazingly entertaining friend, but for now I'll have to live vicariously through Chelsea Lately. Hint: which one of you friends of mine wants to step up your game? The bar is set high, but I think one of you betches are crazy enough to get there...think about it, there will be prizes